Upcoming shows that I am doing:


Call or email me any time.

512 431 7756




April 12 - Elgin, Texas Artists' Studio Tour.  This annual event lets you visit artists at home or in their studios and see them at work.  We will have maps of all the artist studios included in the tour. I have opened my studio for the last two years, but this year I will move my studio to Main Street and 2nd Street in Elgin, at the same location as the Pearls of Youth Art Show.  The Pearls of Youth show is put on annually by the Elgin Arts Association (I'm on the Board).  Come visit!  I'll be there Sunday, April 13, also, in charge of a kid mural painting project.  Bring kids!

October 23-25 - Elgin Arts Association Pearls before Swine Art Show.  Same location.  The show opens Thursday night with a well-attended reception and continues to the end of the Elgin Hogeye Festival.  I will have my art booth set up separate from the show, as will other EAA artists.  Join us for a very fine display of art.

First Friday Art Walk in Bastrop, Texas.  The first Friday of every month will find me painting at the Art Connections Gallery in downtown Bastrop.  The gallery also carries my artwork.

Yes, I have cut down traveling to art shows for various reasons.  But you can find my work in galleries and I welcome visits to my studio.  I also send out a quarterly newsletter via email - if you'd like to be on that mailing list, email me at ecsullivanart@aol.com.

Look for my artwork in these galleries:

Mustang Greys, on Alamo Street at La Villita, San Antonio, Tx

Art Connections Gallery, downtown Bastrop, Texas

Art Makers Collective, downtown Bastrop, Texas

The Oasis on Lake Travis gift shop, Austin, Texas

The Eye of the Beholder, Comfort, Texas

Handicrafts Unlimited, on the square in Georgetown, Texas

I have also put my work in several online galleries that will not only sell originals, but will make different kinds of prints for you in various sizes - my favorites are:





Between my originals, and their work on prints, we will get you exactly what you want.  I switched to online prints because they actually do a better job than I can.